Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea is a condition in which the airway completely collapses – the airway is blocked by the tongue – while a person is sleeping. The brain senses the blockage, awakens the person, and closes the jaw, returning the tongue and throat to their normal positions. This reopens the airway. The person returns to sleep, but the airway will collapse again, and the person will reawaken. A pattern of obstruction and awakening can repeat itself 50 or more times per hour. Sleep apnea often is indicated by snoring.

When the airway is blocked, the person does not receive enough oxygen to her brain. Oxygen deprivation can trigger severe health problems such as damage to the cardiovascular system, and often results in chronic fatigue.

To counteract sleep apnea and/or snoring, we can create a simple appliance that for many people will hold the jaw in a position to maintain an open airway. This reduces snoring and improves breathing while a person sleeps.

Some people instead use a CPAP device, which aids breathing, to treat sleep apnea. However, a CPAP device can be cumbersome, bothersome, and expensive. For many people, an appliance is a better solution.

If you think that you or a family member might have sleep apnea, call our office to see if we can help you find a solution to this unhealthy condition. If you already use a CPAP device, speak with us about using an appliance as a better alternative.

Dr. Firlik can help you avoid serious health problems from sleep apnea…and get a good night’s sleep!

Grand Rapids - Sleep Apnea Treatment - Firlik Family Dentistry
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