Fluoride Treatment

If you are predisposed to developing cavities, you are likely a candidate for fluoride treatment. The CDC has identified tooth decay as a chronic disease, especially afflicting children.

We offer fluoride treatment as one method to protect your smile. Dr. Firlik can apply a fluoride treatment in the office and recommend a fluoridated mouth rinse or toothpaste to use at home.

In-Office Fluoride Treatment

When applied, fluoride treatment will help protect the sensitive layer (dentin) just beneath the outer surface (enamel) of your teeth.

Dr. Firlik will apply a topical fluoride varnish to the enamel surface of your teeth. This will strengthen the enamel to protect the teeth from plaque, which causes cavities. This fluoride varnish is more concentrated – stronger – than what you can purchase “”over the counter.””

At Home Fluoride Treatment

There are prescription-strength fluoride toothpaste brands and mouth rinses which Dr. Firlik can recommend, depending on your oral health needs.

Please remember that consuming an excess of fluoride can sometimes cause spots or streaks on the surface of teeth, known as fluorosis. If you already are using fluoride products, please let us know so we can help you use them properly.

Fluoride treatment is a simple, effective, and economical way to protect your oral health.

Grand Rapids - Fluoride Treatment - Firlik Family Dentistry
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