Dental Crowns

Over time our teeth begin to weaken and become more susceptible to decay, cracks, and discoloration. If Dr. Firlik notices that a tooth is decayed or seems weakened or cracked, she might determine that a filling is not sufficient. Instead, she might recommend a crown to restore the function and appearance of the tooth. A dental crown covers the entire visible part of your tooth above the gum line. And if you have severely stained or discolored teeth, she might recommend a porcelain crown to restore your smile.

Dental crowns are recommended to:

  • Strengthen a cracked tooth
  • Restore a tooth with a large cavity
  • Restore a tooth after root canal therapy
  • Cover a dental implant
  • Support an artificial tooth in a dental bridge

Dental Crown Placement

The process of installing a crown takes two to three visits to Dr. Firlikā€™s office. During the first visit, the tooth will be reshaped by contouring (reducing the enamel) so that a crown can be placed over it. After the tooth has been reshaped, an impression will be taken of that tooth and the surrounding teeth. This impression will be used to create a new crown. At this visit, Dr. Firlik will provide you with a temporary crown until the permanent crown has been fabricated.

The permanent crown will be available in two to three weeks. At that time, you will see Dr. Firlik again, and she will place the crown with an adhesive to ensure that it seats permanently. The new tooth will be fitted so that it feels comfortable and looks like the surrounding teeth. You will have a beautiful new smile!

Caring for Dental Crowns

You should care for your crown as you would your other teeth, with regular brushing and flossing. The American Dental Association recommends you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes at a time. Because plaque will reside where toothbrush bristles cannot reach, Dr. Firlik recommends that you also floss once daily to remove plaque. To maintain a healthy smile, schedule a teeth cleaning and oral examination every six months so we can help you maintain your oral health and examine the condition of your crown.

Dr. Firlik is ready to restore your smile with a great fitting and esthetically pleasing crown.

Grand Rapids - Dental Crowns - Firlik Family Dentistry
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